
Okay, so we just met and now I’m not quite sure what to do.

Yeah, I think I might like you, but I’m not sure it’s really worth putting myself out there this time. I’ve been here before, and clearly it didn’t work out. It was rough – emotionally and mentally. People say you won’t know something unless you give it a shot. It’s easy to say that to someone else when you know you don’t have face the consequence.

Sure, putting myself out there could be awesome. We all daydream, and yes, it’d be fucking sweet if everything happened just as I imagined, but I’m old enough now to know that’s not how life works. It’s possible if I put the effort in and put myself out there I’d find out you felt the same way, but I’m in a pretty good place right now, and I don’t need to fuck that up falling for someone who probably doesn’t feel the same way.

And I think we can all admit it’s rough crushing on someone who’s just not that into you. This is a plot point in a lot of movies, TV shows, and books for a reason. It hurts, makes you feel like shit, and causes drama – all the things fiction loves. But I’ve seen enough of that in pop culture, and I’ve seen enough of it in real life, so I don’t need to see or go through it now. That’s why it might just be easier to let things fall as they will. There doesn’t seem to be much of a point to putting myself out there. At this moment, I’m not really feeling the need to embarrass myself or make myself feel like an ass. Some things are better left undone and unsaid.

If I wait it out and just do my own thing, maybe whatever’s meant to happen will. I can just go on with life doing what I want. I have plenty of passions to focus on and not enough time in the day, week, and month to do them as it is. So I can just concentrate on doing what I enjoy and be open to whatever may or may not happen between you and I. If you’re at all interested, you’ll make some kind of move anyway, right?

And let’s be honest. Who knows how I’ll even feel in a month. I could be totally over it, so why waste time now stressing and worrying? Yes, there’s a small chance putting myself out there could work out wonderfully, but I’m just having trouble convincing myself it’s really worth it anymore. Daydreams are fun, and it’s cool to imagine what might happen. But that’s never what actually occurs in reality. Even when you get all the things you think you want, it’s never what you expected. Everything seems better as a possibility. When it actually happens, you’re forced to align your imagination with the real world, and what fun is that anyway?

All that said, if you want to make the move, it’s still welcome. I’m just not going to try forcing it or sit around waiting for it. What I’m trying to say is that I’ll just keep on doing me and let things be. Whatever happens, happens. Who am I to try to force or alter fate?

Author: Dani Howell

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