
I think that most of us grew up having a unique and, what our parents would call “foolish”, dream. When we were little, we all wanted to be actresses, rockstars, astronauts. Maybe it was simply because we didn’t know a lot about the world then. But I am certain that no one had always had the dream of becoming a lawyer, let’s say. Not that there’s something wrong with lawyers, of course.

But for myself, and I believe others too, since I can barely remember myself, I was intrigued by creating any form of art. Throughout my whole life, when someone asked me what I’d like to be when I grew up, I think the answer would be different every few days, if not hours. Always affected by what would make my parents proud, and using my so called “potential” to the fullest. But what if the only thing I’m capable of doing is being who I am, with no restrictions? I thought that all these years of changing opinions would somehow help. Little did I know, they only made things even more complicated inside my head.

And yes, I never had an identity in my whole existence. I never knew completely, exactly who I was. The only identity I could only match with, was that of the artist.
And from the mere moment I realised that, only then I knew what to do.

All I ever wanted to be was an artist. But here I am, almost having finished high school, with no clue of where to go to next.Well, my mind wanders in the strangest places. Wishing I could go far, far away to complete my wildest dreams. Running away to the city that never sleeps.

But why do I keep feeling so stuck here?

So, as a form of comfort to us dreamers. I’m going to read you a part of a letter someone I deeply love wrote me. Because sometimes you just need a bit of hope to bring you up again.

“My sweet angel baby, you’re all grown up now. You came in a very dark place in my life and made me dream again. I miss you so bad, but I don’t mind it that much, for I am so proud of you going after your dreams. So, what I want to say is, I love you. And that you should never stop chasing your dreams. And I promise, I will always guard them in the best way possible. Because I believe in you and what you have become.”

Well, I guess, sometimes, feeling stuck is not necessarily a bad thing, for it compels you to want to achieve what you wish for even more.

And what I can only say for the dreamers out there, and the ones who stare out their window at night, or daydream a lot, no matter what the thing that you want the most to do is, go ahead and do it. Don’t you ever let anyone set restrictions on you. Because that’s the only thing that’s foolish – limiting yourself to others’ opinions, and the things that you’re supposed to do, but never truly craved.

And trust me, the world needs artists – especially them. It needs the poets, the painters, the dreamers, and most importantly, the rebels.

And if you’re a dreamer like me and reading this now, all I can wish for, is that one day, we’ll all look at the stars from where we aspire the most. And yes, not all of us will make it, maybe I won’t either.
But please, never, ever stop trying for what makes your heart beat fast.

And I can promise you, it’s worth it all. It’s both the greatest pain and pleasure you will ever feel.

Guarding your dreams, no matter how crazy they may seem.

Author: Ioanna Vargianiti

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