So, you have a new significant other! Congratulations, I’m happy for you, too. After the first period of non-stop cuddling and attached coexistence in every possible place however, there comes the time that you will have to let them live a bit on their own, as an autonomous organism. That doesn’t sound quite right, does it?

How are you supposed to know that ruthless bitches craving your man’s flesh or handsome dudes aiming for your honey’s butt will not appear at the very moment you turn your back? No dear, do not think of stalking, please. I know it crossed your mind, but put the spying devices aside, if you please. Stop looking up those drones you read about yesterday! Even if those ‘hungry eyes’ include your own, ok? That’s it, now we are talking!

Jealousy is healthy. Obsession is not. Showing a bit of interest or making a joke about it is allowed. We all are aware that the trespassing of private property is illegal and should be punished, but chill out, not with the death penalty. It is way different saying that your partner is a museum exhibit, as in ‘we admire but we don’t touch’, than trying to bite their necks so hard in order to mark your territory. Understood?

You can show your interest in many different ways other than spending hours of endless social engineering on their Facebook profiles, watching for the slightest detail in pictures dating back to 2009, frequencies of likes and so on. Oh, and please, if you are about to try hacking, diffuse your knowledge in something worthy for the humanity; not their Skype accounts.

Don’t forget that the more you seek trouble, the more likely it will get to you. Instead of wasting your energy, karma, -feel free to fill in whatever you want- in imagining the worst possible scenario of cheating, use this time for preparing a surprise for them. A dinner, a night at the movies, a striptease, whatever you feel like. This is exactly how you will keep them close to you and not the other way around.

Last but not least, don’t show it to them. Expressing what you feel is good and advisable but this is not the case! No-one enjoys grumpy faces, diva attitudes or fights only because some random stranger checked on them on the street. What you need is spending quality time around them and not the other way around.

So, stop nagging and over-thinking, and start living.


Author: Tina Barbatsalou

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