
You know how the story usually goes — you’re a little kid, you tip-toe into your teens and then suddenly, just as you move into High School, you find yourself in hell. Nothing seems right anymore, you fight with your parents, siblings, and friends all the time and life seems to be against you. You want to do your own thing, giving no explanation to anybody. You crave your freedom.

And all of sudden… one fine day, you find yourself living alone for the first time. Probably in a small and rusty apartment but, nonetheless, it suits you just right. You haven’t quite wrapped your head around it, you have no idea what’s going on. And then the real fun begins.

You can decorate your very own space any way you like and buy stuff for it — probably too much stuff. You can make a lot of noise, tear the whole place down and there won’t be anyone there yelling at you to keep it down. You wake up anytime you like, you sleep anytime you like. You cook whatever you want to cook and no one is there to see how much you actually eat. You  comfortably wear whatever the hell you want; or nothing at all. You see the tv series you like without any voices in the background, no fighting for the remote control and the couch is by all means yours. – This is pure bliss. Period. The same goes for the bed too; unless you have a pretty beau hanging there with you.-Literally I’ll put it in a few words: you can do whatever comes into your mind.

Okay, grace period is over — and now for the serious part. It’s nice having absolute freedom to do all the things you love. Just don’t forget that now, you don’t live with people ready and willing to clean up after you and your mess. You can set a nuclear bomb in the middle of the house, and create endless chaos. Fine, excellent, congratulations. Guess now who has to clean up all of this. Your mom, dad, siblings?

No one. No one is there to follow you around and clean up. You have to do it all by yourself. One way or another, we both know we’re not 5-years-old- you have to get your ass up. And do all the work.

And because the house doesn’t get cleaned up by itself, you are now “forced” to have a schedule of duties; at least in your head. You have to get up earlier, tidy up, take care of all the chores, cook. If you’re still studying, you go to class in the afternoon, you come back and then here we go again. It’s not just about the house. It’s the bills, the list with the things you need to buy from the supermarket… an endless list.

But somewhere along the way, you find yourself loving this whole new thing of you being responsible for yourself. If you’re an independent gal just like me, then you know what I’m talking about. You really love this shit, don’t you? I agree. It’s awesome. You might freak out sometimes because it’s pretty clear now that adulthood has reached your door and says a big, fat, giant hello; but then you calm down yourself when you notice you’re doing just fine. Laundry is done, ironing is done, the dishes are clean, the floor smells like flowers, your bed has clean sheets. The furniture isn’t dusty, your bathroom smells like pine and alas, you got these pretty candles in the living room! Yeah, I just described my house. Just add your own smell preferences and things you like to get the excitement, okay?

And now the last part. Drum roll!

Take a nice, high leap towards your couch and just stretch yourself like a big octopus.

Enjoy !

Author: Victoria A. Dimou

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