
I’m sitting next to you, while you quietly look at something over your phone. You don’t talk, you just look at it while your eyebrows get the “what the hell is wrong with people?!” look. You’re beautiful. And then, your wit takes over and you say something totally out of nowhere – something sarcastic, yet incredibly smart.

Shit. Holy shit, it’s actually happening. How do I look? Flushed cheeks, eyes full of wonder, or just plain looking softly at you? Maybe all three- but I hope it’s just one of these. Yeah, I know; the plan is for you to not notice any of it. But even if you don’t say a word I know you’ve figured this out already. Damn it.

This is the problem which occurs when you love a smart person. Nothing ever slips your attention. I repeat: nothing. And because we’re both somehow the same, congrats. One watches the other closely, and never says anything. Thinking about it now really, it’s like a game of secret communication. You both observe and watch each other, and –poof!– there you’ve got (almost) everything you need to know. You find the buttons, the limits, all with just a little hint. I officially call this the “Beau Discovery: How to Observe your Beau Like a Gorgeous Cupcake and Learn Everything About Them.”

Back to you, cupcake. I admit it though, I’m still learning. About what upsets you, your limits, your fears… anything good or bad. I know, it’s not going to be easy; it’s going to be exactly the opposite. I know for a fact that your mind isn’t a simple field; it’s complex, it critiques and dissects any small details that come your way. And I love it. Now the reason may be a bit weird, but it’s me we’re talking about. A complex mind equals complex ideas and thoughts; this implies interesting conversation. Simply put my love, you’re not a well-rounded idiot. Your words aren’t typical, boring, nor do they slip freely from your mouth. You calculate everything inside -and while it may piss me off sometimes- I can never get enough of it. Even the simplest “hi”, and you have your own way of saying it so.

And that complex mind of yours, needs complex interests like your own. Your ability to switch from one interest to another (that are totally conflicting and different I might add) is amazing. So is the switch from being deadly funny to serious, to cute and then funny again. I don’t know how you do it. All I know is… that I can’t simply get enough of it.

Most of the times I don’t know why to be exact. People usually want the cool clothes, the perfect jaw lines, the perfect manners, the perfect cars. Perfection to the point of nausea; I guess I’m a complete weirdo or a dork for falling for someone’s soul, spirit and mind. At the end of the day, what type of a conversation are you going to have with a “perfect” guy? My guess is a rehearsed one, let’s not forget completely typical. And on the other hand, there is you.

You. With your witty comebacks, your smart humor and your effortless awkwardness I can’t seem to find anywhere else but here. In you, in what happens when we’re together in the same room. I wouldn’t change it for anything in this world – and why would I want to anyway? It’s all I ever wanted.

A weirdo, just like me. With a sharp intellect, strong comebacks, and diplomacy. A smartass, who knows exactly how to piss me off big time, but then turns out to be the loveliest person in the world. Yes, yes. I want that. Only that.

Author: Victoria A. Dimou

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