The current global instability is reflected in the Aquarius Moon that can turn politics upside-down and shift the trajectories of our lives. Individual needs conflict with social realities now. A pair of awkward aspects requires us to make adjustments if we push our personal agendas too hard today. Luckily, the Moon’s shift into dreamy Pisces softens the energy.

Aries (March 21st – April 19th)

You might think you have not done enough work, but there is only one more hurdle to jump before you are given the green light on the road to your destination. The Aquarius Full Moon activates your 11th House of Long-Term Goals, urging you to envision the future and the steps you will need to take to make your dreams come true. However, you may feel stifled as forceful Mars inches closer to tough-guy Saturn. Nevertheless, hard work and brutal honesty are the tools necessary for your success. Stand up to the pressure and you will be granted a hard-earned victory sooner than you expect.

Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)

It appears as if someone is pushing you to take on additional responsibilities. Don’t promise more than you can deliver now, even if you are willing to sacrifice some playtime to fulfill your obligations. Social demands may trigger your desire to retreat from the crowd. But it’s nearly impossible to remain isolated when the Aquarius Full Moon draws your energy from the subjective personal realms into your 10th House of Public Life, where you are more concerned with the objective issues of community and career. As George Eliot wrote, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Old fantasies are being washed away to make room for new dreams. The detached Aquarius Full Moon shakes up your 9th House of Higher Truth, reminding you that enthusiasm doesn’t necessarily alter reality. Your patterns of perception are changing; being more skeptical now isn’t a turn toward cynicism, but breaking with outdated ideas makes way for a fresh view of the world. Thankfully, responsibilities that previously held you back are now relaxing their grip. Don’t rush your first steps on your journey or you will be required to repeat them in the days ahead.

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

You’re capable of setting your pride aside today so you can talk about your needs. Fortunately, the Aquarius Full Moon lands in your 8th House of Intimacy, encouraging you to reveal your heart as you strive to express your individuality. Although this is likely the beginning of a more outgoing cycle for you Crabs, emotional tension boils over if you try to ignore your true feelings. Fear of change might be prompting you to overreact, but burying your head in the sand is not helpful. Adaptability in the face of adversity is your greatest ally.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Don’t try to overcome a sudden cooling of interest from a person you admire by being too aggressive in your approach. The Aquarius Full Moon falls in your 7th House of Partnerships, triggering unexpected behavior from a lover or a close friend. Or maybe you need to step back and look at things from a different angle to add more excitement to the relationship. Unfortunately, digging in your heels is not the answer; letting go of control is a must. Persistence, one of your greatest strengths, might actually be a weakness now. Pride is the longest distance between two people.

Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

You understand the consequences of a recent decision and realize that you cannot turn back from the choices you already made. The Aquarius Full Moon in your 6th House of Health can overwhelm you with a wide variety of different options about your daily routines. In fact, your emotions may be so strong now that any lingering doubt about the intensity of these times quickly vanishes. Although you might be tempted to do something crazy for fast results, self-restraint and self-respect are the greatest gifts you can give yourself at this time.

Libra (September 23rd – October 21st)

You have run out of patience when it comes to people breaking promises, yet you might be ready to break a few of your own. The unconventional Aquarius Full Moon falls in your 5th House of Self-Expression, bringing out the quirky and playful side of your personality. Your craving for fun and attention is hard to ignore, possibly creating tension with your desire for privacy. But you have the right to take center stage, and then retreat when you so choose. It’s fine to shine in the spotlight on occasion as long as you have an exit strategy in place.

Scorpio (October 22nd – November 21st)

You might not fully understand what’s unfolding on the home front now. However, once you accept that the emotional dynamics are beyond rational analysis, you’ll be able to glean important lessons from your experience. The quirky Aquarius Full Moon sinks into your 4th House of Foundations, surrounding you with a complicated array of alternatives. You intuitively know everything will work out fine, but frustration may take a few more days to play out as Mars moves toward its conjunction with uncompromising Saturn. Don’t give up; it is often the last key on the ring that opens the door.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

It’s gratifying to be right, but avoid getting caught up in the philosophical disputes where one side has to be the winner and the other side the loser. Nevertheless, the Aquarius Full Moon inspires your 3rd House of Information, encouraging you to ask tough questions and seek honest answers. Just remember: opinions are just ideas attached to a belief. Sharing your thoughts without taking yourself too seriously produces the best results. Buddha said, “The root of suffering is attachment.”

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

You may discover discrepancies with joint finances when the independent Aquarius Full Moon rattles your 2nd House of Money. Your problem might be as simple as feeling annoyed if someone is too careless with cash for your taste. Nevertheless, it’s important to keep your reaction in check since an irritating Moon-Jupiter aspect possibly tricks you into believing you discovered a quick fix to the monetary crisis. Deviating from a budget can drain your resources, leaving you overspent in more ways than one. Saving money saves energy.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

Melodrama runs rampant while the partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius polarizes your sign. This overstimulating Full Moon occurs in your 1st House of Personality, drawing your emotions very close to the surface. Others can see past your apparent detachment now. Your discomfort in dealing with your feelings could turn your frustration into anger as hot Mars moves to conjunct cold Saturn next week. As Tom Petty sings, “The waiting is the hardest part.” Make sure to utilize your wicked sense of humor as often as possible.

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

You want to break free from the past and apply your vision to a higher cause when you are coaxed to express your feelings more openly. Your lifelong pursuit of spiritual meaning is reinvigorated as the cosmos delivers you an inspirational message. However, you might be tempted to run away from the monotony of your daily tasks now. Although the rebellious Aquarius Full Moon rattles your 12th House of Secrets, escaping is not a viable long-term solution. A head full of fears has no space for dreams.

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