
To be reckless or not to be? Rushing towards the risk or play it safe? What’s your motto in life?

Well mine is “Take the risk and whatever is to come will come”. Right or wrong I do not know, but I think everything in life has both sides.

If you think about it, if you never take a risk how will things unfold and play out as you hope and desire? You have to give fate an incentive to turn things your way and in your favor.

How will you conquer your goals if you don’t take the risk? You have to take the chance. You have to own it. If you want to make something of yourself, prove that you have the guts to do what it takes to get what you want, then you have to take a step; play it all or nothing.

Some may feel that the risk is too large, the price to pay for taking it too great to bear. But sometimes the chance of the outcome being just as you want it to be is of greater value than the fear of losing – of taking the wrong risk.

Let’s apply it to your work and the opportunities you may be given. Sometimes opportunities come your way without trying and there you have it, you made it and got what you wished for.

But what if they don’t?

Take the risk. Show the world that you can do it. Tempt fate to give you what is rightfully yours by taking a step forward and standing up to the fear that is eating at you from the inside. Prove to everyone that ever doubted you that you have the guts to do what it takes to be successful and own it indeed.

Same goes for the matters of the heart. If you are in love and want to be with that someone you have to take risks. Show them your love without fear of being rejected. Fall and stand up again. Never give up on something or someone you truly care about.

And if you don’t take the risk? Is it worth it to lose someone you didn’t even fight to get, just out of fear that you might not succeed and wanting to feel secure? Think of what greater and happier lives you would have now if you fought to show them you’re worth it; worth giving it a try.

And even if you don’t succeed in what you wished for, you will be content that at least you tried. You gave it a shot, not just cowardly sitting around and waiting for stuff to magically happen.

This way of thinking can be applied to anything – from the smallest insignificant parts in life to the major ones – and you have to make a choice on how you will live your life. Fearing every step and decision you take or doing what your heart commands and live an adventures reckless life full of surprises; good and bad alike.

Life gives you an opening but you have to walk through the path and make choice when you come to crossroad. Will you take the narrow hard path that may give you the things you only ever dreamed of or follow the easy one to be on the safe side and be satisfied with the more minor things?

I say take the risk or miss the chance! You only live once, and you should make the best out this unique experience. Even the smallest risk can be life changing.

Author: Elena Vasiliou

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