
Everyone has a different definition of the characterization “sexy” in their minds. In women, men mostly look at their appearance first, a well built body with juicy curves maybe, intelligent eyes, a nice smile and so on. Women also like men with big smiles and playful eyes, and a yummy body. Dressed in the latest fashion trends, having a specific hairstyle; the list is endless.

But there are certain things that make some of them special. That may just make you fall head over heels for them. I think I may speak for the majority of us women, those sexy tattoos and a man’s body give off the best vibes; the bad boy and manly ones mostly. Speaking for myself now, I just love men with big tats all over their body, well placed and alluring, making them appear as the definition of Alpha Male in my mind.

They show off their masculinity, with their tattoos and piercings. Especially those who have great bodies –so to speak– really do have the tall, dark and dangerous look we women fall for all the time. Seeing their arms clench, those strong arms full of muscles, which are covered with tats.

Smoking hot – I am telling you! They enter a room and all you do is stare at them; you notice them from the very first moment.

Especially in the summer, at the beach when their bodies are wet and tanned, the sun playing tricks and changing the colors as they move, and the tattoos take shape as they carry themselves with such confidence. Sexy as hell.

And the best part is that for some – maybe most of them even – their tattoos represent something that is related to them; they have a personal meaning. Even the tiniest ones may be of vital importance. They are not just random shapes and colors mixed up to give a nice outcome.

Each one has a story to tell and a past behind it. Some may be obvious, but others, you have to put your mind to work to get to decrypt their meanings. Like a play game, if your loved one is cover with them all over.

Having a guy not tell you why he chose that particular one and what it represents –just intriguing. Preferring to have you figure it out yourself, helps you to get to know him as well. Very interesting.

And in particular, us girls, if we get to hear a cheesy sweet story about what the tattoos mean at the end, we get all emotional and starry-eyed – making us admire them even more so.

So when you do figure out what it means, you have already dived deep into their minds, learning about their life and their character. Even this small step can be big in a relationship from this point of view, as it helps understand your other half.

Having those arms embrace you, feeling safety and like a small girl getting lost in the hug. Tracing the outlines of your lover’s tattoos with your fingertips, feeling him tremble and quiver underneath your touch. Priceless.

Or just lying next to him, your head resting on his chest, listening to his steady breath and staring at the colorful shapes that cover up his body.

Some couples also tend to ink identical tattoos on both their bodies, something that is important to them and binds them together. Having inside jokes about each other’s’ ink and remembering how you got them.

Small things, but nevertheless they hold some significance; they may seem unimportant to some, but to others they are most meaningful.

Author: Elena Vasiliou

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