
Father’s Day. What’s to be said to cover the whole meaning of the word ‘father’ and what’s to be left aside. Without them we wouldn’t even exist. We all carry a part of them in ourselves.

They gave birth to us, helped raise us, put us under their wings only as a father would or can. They see a small part of themselves in us. Sometimes they may become tiresome, maybe cruel even, but just to protect us. They want the best for us even if we don’t see it through their words.

We girls are our daddy’s little princesses; all spoiled and stuff. We know they have a soft spot for us and we take advantage of it. And they love us even more for it; they know we love them too much. As little girls we dream of spending the rest of our lives with someone just like them: someone that will take care of us and look after us just like dear daddy.

As for boys, they look up to their fathers and want to make them proud. Most of the time they want to become them –follow into their footsteps and carry on their legacies and their names. Their fathers are their idols.

But, just to be clear, a father is not necessarily the one who is genetically related to you in a biological sense, but the one who raised you.

In some instances, a father is unable to raise their children for many reasons, and another man undertakes their role in a child’s life. Nevertheless, their considered fathers to the core.

The love of a father is like no others. The birth of their child softens them, makes them care for another being more than they care for themselves. They want the best for their offspring and would make extreme sacrifices to ensure that their child will have the best life possible.

They work day and night; even on weekends. They want to make money, never let their children suffer poverty; especially if they did in their own lives. It’s like a 24/7 job for them.

As their child is little and fragile, especially a newborn –although the “condition” of being fragile doesn’t ever cease to exist in their minds– they are always looking out for them, watching their tiny breaths and filling with pride at their first smile, first word and steps. They wake up in the night to feed them, as to help the mothers relax and recover a bit. They give them their baths and making faces the whole time to make their little one smile and hear their cute laughter.

As they grow older and start school, they are vigilant. Like hawks they watch over them, not giving a chance to anyone to hurt them. They provide them with the best teachers and education, enrolling them in afternoon private lesson so they can develop other skills and talents. Giving them the chance to learn languages and anything else they want.

At times they get strict and overprotective – and this makes the children angry – but it’s just for their own good. They may not get it, as they are adolescents, and want to always get their way but, at the end of the day, and more so as time passes, they see more clearly that anything they were deprived of was rightly done so to make them who they are today; respectable individuals in the society.

That’s why we all love them, even if we get frustrated with them, because we know they care for us more than they care for themselves, that we would also act like that if we were in their shoes and when we have children of our own.

They are a vital part of our lives, invaluable and irreplaceable. Happy father’s day! We adore you always and forever!

Author: Elena Vasiliou

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