
March 8th International Women’s Day. And it was a complete cataclysm of tributes to the fair sex all day yesterday. I mean seriously, if I see one more image of a pretty (and completely unrealistic depiction of a) woman, flowers and hearts or even chocolates, I’m going to go bat shit. Other than the fact that we’re totally missing the point of the celebration, (sue me, but I don’t think we’re entitled to a holiday just because of our chromosomes) it’s fucking all over the place. If it were “International Women’s Rights Day” or “Gender Equality Day” or if it included the words, liberal, feminism, struggle, or freedom, sure, I’m on board. But lazily just calling it “Women’s Day” helps the whole point of it fade into another day for merchandizing and consumerism. And all that in a day and age when we need to be reminded of the history behind it all the more.

But that’s not objective of this article. We talked about that yesterday; some of us argued it till we were blue in the face and to no avail. No, there’s something else I’m getting at today.

Let me ask you this: When is International Men’s day?

Oh, there is none you say? Why?

Because if you have “a pillar and a set of stones” you celebrate every day? (Yes; Game of Thrones reference. Because I can. Many thanks to Mr. Martin.)

Right. Who’s being sexist now?

Well, guess what I’m taking it upon myself, with the non-existent authority I have, but as a woman living in a world that is neither a man’s nor a woman’s world really, to declare today, March 9th, “International Men’s Day” to be hereby celebrated each and every year from now until the end of time.

And since we got our day yesterday, this woman, is going to celebrate you guys today. The good guys, the worthwhile ones, the ones that make the lives of the women surrounding them a celebration every day. Naturally, I don’t only mean the ones with whom we are romantically involved. Sometimes they’re friends, brothers, cousins or fathers.

Whatever. Just to be my usual contradictive self, I chose today to honor them. Plus, I know that I owe a few ‘thank yous’ of my own to the men in my life that have been there –always- no ifs, ands or buts; no questions asked. Because, loves, you deserve it. And since I’m all about fairness lately, let’s give you some credit too.

So, seriously girls, when do you celebrate those men in your life? When do you dedicate a whole day to them just to thank them for existing and being there for you?

Shouldn’t we just take a couple of minutes out of our special day to show our appreciation to those special men in our lives? The ones that put up with our shit every day even though, clearly, they don’t have to. You know, as well as I do, that we owe them at least that much.

So this one is for you guys. A huge heartfelt thank you. From all of us women.

Because, honey, you’re a rare phenomenon. You know that, right? I could write articles over articles, about the pricks that waltz into our lives, turning it upside down leaving shambles in their passing like a hurricane.

You took that norm and spat in its face. You could have been one of those assholes we cry over, but you are not. Because you have values and you know how to appreciate, respect and love.

For all you guys that have been through crap because a woman could not see what you are worth. Because, the only way to have the capacity not to hurt someone is if you’ve been hurt. So when you came across that girl you have next to you, you didn’t go; you stayed, as hard as things got. And you stay every day.

For you who realize the value of the woman next to you and try, in any way you can, to make her happy. You may not buy her gifts or bring her flowers every day. You may not take her on trips. You may not have much. In reality we don’t need all that much to be happy. As cliché as it may sound, it’s the thought that counts.

Because when your first thought is her, then that’s all that matters.

You don’t take her for granted. You love her and you are not afraid to show her; for you who know that saying the words when she needs to hear them doesn’t make you less of a man.

For you who stood by us when we needed you most; even if we didn’t say it out loud. For all the times that you were a shoulder for us to cry on even over the lamest things and for all the mistakes you owned up to, even if they were not fully yours to take responsibility for.

There’s a reason the expression goes ‘man up to your responsibilities’; and you honor it. For all the times you listened to our ranting and raving about things that had nothing to do with you, and still supported us.

You who did the right thing by the woman next to you. Whether she’s your wife, your girlfriend, your friend, your sister or even your mother. Take a minute and be proud of yourselves.

We women are not simple creatures. We are not easy to live with. Some of us never know what they want. And even the ones that do know what they want; don’t. Because, somehow, we’ll find a way to make a mountain from a grain of sand. Complicated much? I’ll admit it. It’s embedded in our DNA. A special thanks for that one week a month when we really do become unbearable.

For all of you that give us hope that real men are not lost. You, who give us someone to set as an example for our brothers, sons and nephews.

Thank you. You are appreciated.

Mark my words

Author: Nikól Peri

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