Trust is a five letter word that keeps such a great meaning wrapped up in it. It’s one of those words that, when it is heard, it makes you pause, think and stop smiling, maybe. Trust is that feeling that you can rely on someone and that this someone is going to be there when you need them to be.

Trust is the feeling of calmness when you think that you’re not alone, that you have people that are there for you. It is knowing that your friend or acquaintance is going to say the same words and things to your face and behind your back or even that your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/significant other is going to be faithful to you and that you don’t need to be afraid of him/her fooling around or cheating on you.

Trust is when you know that you don’t have to worry about someone else going through your personal things or your personal life without your permission. Ultimately, it is the feeling of safety; inside a home, a relationship, a friendship. It is when you are able to let your guard down and let anyone in. Trust is the opposite of betrayal. Trust is faith; faith in others and in humanity.

Each one of us is born with the feeling embedded in us. When you are a baby, you instinctively trust your mother. She is the one that feeds you, takes care of you; helps you survive, in other words. You depend on her and, consequently, trust her with your life without even realizing it.

And then you start growing up and discovering the world that surrounds you. You start school, you meet new people, you make friends. You open up to the world. But sometimes the world gets back at you in a way! Unpleasant things are very likely to happen. There are even those who will treat you badly. They will have a lousy attitude towards you for no apparent reason. And all this may start from a young age.

In elementary school, a friend might prefer to go to another kid’s party and not yours. Or a classmate might make fun of you or treat you cruelly. Later, when you’re a teenager, your first love might not treat you in the best way possible, or a friend may betray you by going for the person that you have a crush on. Plus, during all this time, minor, or even major, trust-related issues may come up in your family. And all these things will follow you into adulthood. By the time you are officially an adult, you’re going to have to have figured out that you must be careful whom you trust and always keep an eye open for betrayal.

The moment you realize that you have trust issues, that mainly situations and people caused you to have, is a very scary one. It feels like an empty space inside you. Especially if you can remember the times when you used to trust others and have faith in people. These memories, in contrast to the lack of faith in others that you are currently feeling, are overwhelming.

Believing in others and, sometimes, even being fooled are part of life. We lose our capacity to take someone’s words to heart because of being misled in the past. But…

Τhere is always a ‘but’ in everything.

Yes, you may find yourself not trusting others and sometimes having no faith in the good things that they may do, but you can fight it; you can fight back against yourself! You’re going to live many years and during these years many people will come into your life. Some of them are going to be worthy and will prove themselves to be of the good kind. The memories you’re going to create with them will become stronger than those that others left you. Broken pieces are going to be replaced and reassembled.

And that’s for sure, because if you take a look, if you open your eyes to the bigger picture, you’re going to see that there is good out there, considerate people who help others in need, without having anything to gain from it. There are people who create beauty and people who love with all their heart. Out there, there are people you’re going to trust and set your faith to them!

Author: Angelina Mavrogianni

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