
Soulmate; everyone tells you that you need to find yours to be happy. That they are the only ones that can make you happy, make your life complete, and all that follows.

But everyone meets new people every day. And most of the time they become just an acquaintance, other times they become friends and, sometimes, more than that; they become lovers. Every day someone falls in love, someone develops a connection with someone else. And everyone you meet can potentially be your soulmate.

First of all, let’s answer this question though; who is one’s soulmate? They are this person with whom you have an immediate connection, from the moment you first meet. A connection so strong that, in a way, you are drawn to them. A connection you have never experienced before. And, as it develops over time, you experience a love so deep, strong and complex that you begin to doubt any prior relationship and start to believe that you have never truly loved until this moment.

When two souls are meant to connect this way, then location, timing, and circumstances are all irrelevant. They suddenly transform into a magnet for one another, are drawn to each other, and,   despite their efforts, the universe somehow seems to manipulate everything in their favor. And, when they finally give in, a new love is born. Once that powerful and deep connection has been made, nothing can break it – and they are in each other’s lives forever.

But what happens if you never find them? Does that mean that you will never live your life at its fullest? Who says we can’t be happy without them? Or what if someone finds more than one? Are they not being honest with their true feelings if they believe that they can have more than one soulmate?

People fall in love many times throughout their lifetime. And the heart knows when they search for their soulmate is over; it’s when they have found that one person that can truly complete them. But they don’t have to settle for just one. Different people fit into each other’s lives in a variety of ways and at different times. People can be true to themselves and others, no matter how many soulmates they stumble upon.

So, yes, whoever does find their soulmate is very lucky indeed. This, however, doesn’t mean that everyone has to, or, eventually, will find them. Some people know when someone is missing from their lives – but how do you know you miss them if you’ve never even met them?

For most, their soulmate is usually the person they choose to spend the rest of their lives with. But, then again, others may find them in a best friend. One’s soulmate is not necessarily their lover too – but it is definitely someone very special.

But, once you find this special person, keep hold of them tight and never let go. Your connection is for life.

Just like Elisabeth Gilbert said: ‘People think a soulmate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your attention so you can change your life…’; I have to agree.

A true soulmate is probably the most important person you will ever meet because they tear down your walls and wake you up. A soulmate’s true purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego just a little bit, turn everything upside down, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in and drive you so out of control that you have to transform your life.

Author: Demie Charlotte Chioni

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