
Next week, Pillowfights celebrates 18 months as an online portal.

Back in January 20th, 2014, Pillowfights came to life and our first article was published. 18 months later, we count our blessings and the numbers tell our story: 3,786 articles, 127 pillowfighters and 452 readers’ stories

We write about love, because love is everything and everywhere – in fleeting glances of passing strangers, in first handshakes, in friendships, in winters and in summers, in all our lives. We worship its omnipresence and we bring it where it belongs: in the spotlight.

In our stories you’ll find (self) sarcasm, wit, humour, emotion, pain, desperation, courage and hope. Above all, you’ll find truth in them. Because what makes a pillowfighter, is that we’re bound in every single line to confess a personal truth.

In Pillowfights, we put in words all these friendly chats that people have in the early hours, because we love blabbering and we hold dear all these after-midnight, heart-to-heart talks. We get passionate and we let it all out through our keyboards. We meet, we tell jokes, we laugh with our hearts, we share our stories, we come closer, and guess what, we fall in love. This is the Pillowfights tradition, or just “pillow” for friends.

This brand new, global Pillowfights was born out of this need to come closer with readers and authors around the world, and keep the conversation going as lively and creative as ever. Because we want you to be a part of this; we want to get to know each other. We will share confessions and we will confide in you, as much as we want you to feel and do the same. So we can all pillow-fight together.

Featuring authors and columnists from around the globe, we are pretty sure that we’ll bring to you every day interesting and original stories that mirror reality, in a way that in every paragraph you’ll have the suspicion that someone is watching you, observing and recording your lives, speaking your minds. And it will be true.

Thank you for your trust and support in all this time.

The best is yet to come.

Αnd let the show begin!

Katerina Kechaya – Founder
Kostas Ksilas – Founder
Constantine Cucci – Senior Chief Editor 
Valentini Dafnouli – Chief Editor
Sofia Kalpazidou – Chief Aditor


Author: Katerina Kechaya

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