
Men and women are so different, you know. And that is why many men find it so hard to make their loved ones feel happy. But I know how to, and I want to because I have learned your ways and I am determined to go to any lengths to give you what is in my heart.

And in my heart, you have such a special place.

Like most couples in a relationship, as time passes, we have grown apart and I have been miserable. But I don’t want it to stay that way. I want our relationship to come alive again and now I know that all I need for that to happen is to be thoughtful, sensitive, romantic, and funny. I’ll make the wall that was built between us a bridge and I will make you feel special again.

Maybe even just a few months ago I was too proud to admit that I miss you terribly. But swallowing my pride is a small price to pay to have you back again. I am really going to focus on you and what makes you happy.

First of all, I want to confess that every time I saw you, you looked more beautiful and smelled more beautiful. I wanted to tell you all this, but I felt a bit awkward in case you considered these compliments tacky or insincere. But that will stop. From now on whenever I see you, I will express exactly what is in my heart.

You have been complaining that since we moved in together, you did all the chores around the house, and yet I was never satisfied. I always found this and that to complain. I’m sorry I made you feel unappreciated. This will change. And it starts today. I know how you hate ironing. So I ironed all those towels and bedsheets. I wanted to iron our shirts but that’s a bit beyond me, at least for the time being. Don’t worry, though. I have already taken them to the dry cleaner’s and they will be picked up tomorrow. I promise I’ll help with the housework as often as possible.

Tomorrow we’ll have breakfast in bed. It’s Saturday but I’m not going to meet the guys at the tennis club. We’ll spend all day together. I went by that little French bakery the other day and they have french croissants every morning. I also bought some of that exquisite strawberry jam you so much like. As for the coffee. This is a surprise! And I have another surprise for you. This one is not to be eaten or drunk but to be worn!

Most of all I want to tell you, and I mean it, that all this time I have been more of a taker than a giver. But that was all just self-defense. I was afraid if I was too easy-going, you were going to walk over me. But I want to tell you right now you are not that kind of person. I know you will respond to kindness and sensitivity a hundred times more.

There is happiness only in giving and not receiving.
You will be amazed by what I am able to give.

Author: Konstantinos Vovos

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