
We are all like raindrops falling from the sky. One minute you stand alone -you feel alone- but someday you will melt into the ocean and realize you are connected to every raindrop in the world. Regardless of how philosophical it might seem, we cannot escape this notion of togetherness. This sense of abbreviation which is shaped in a two-letter word — “we”. We cannot possibly embrace every single individual in the universe, we cannot compare, contrast, watch or grasp our common elements; sometimes we cannot even look at them.

Occasionally it would seem as a great case scenario to be able to check every person on earth and pick our own or a time consuming one since our time would be wasted if we’re rejected. It seems almost nothing on this planet perfectly matches with something else. Wishful thinking doesn’t always work out, does it? And then there’s diming and being prepared and other people’s opinions and remember your mistakes and those of others so not to repeat them.

A bad memory is a strange thing and doesn’t work the way you thought. Eventually you forget everything else and you find yourself rendered helpless to one thought only. Take a step forward or a step back. Stay, open up, go further inside, give time, decorate your space with yet one more presence, or turn around and keep on walking.

Clichés are often used; “if you never try you will never know” has long passed because you do know now. This wisdom, these tiny pieces of knowledge, has been derived from this contemplation and wondering of what to do.

However we are never really ready, really there, really a able, really reliable or really eager — and if we wait to be we will be waiting for the rest of our lives. So since you are standing at the water’s edge already and your feet are in the sand, the great big ocean in front of you, just stretch one toe. A little deeper, touch the water just a little bit, and there you go.

You already have a story to tell, you already have a walk to remember.

Underneath the fog in the misty sky although you cannot see a thing and have no idea what lies ahead, there is still something for you. Truth be told you have already realized it’s all for the ride, regardless of the outcome. As unknown as it might be, it has given you a new road you never knew existed. About to cross and leave your mark. So when, eventually, the fog lifts and the sun shines through them, you will see how far you have made it from the start.

Thus, you decide to stay, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear to listen a little better, you look out the window to see a little farther, you make expansion arrangements with your heart to feel a little more. You turn your thoughts outwards to reciprocate the feeling a little more. You hold hands a little tighter as you keep going a little faster.
As all these keep on happening, the universe is working for you — whether you like it or not. So fill it up, give second and third chances with the sense of curiosity and exploration. Fill it up with words, gestures, bodies shapes, colors, dreams and their meaning. Fill it up with narrations about your racing heart. Memories that stick around long enough to make a reality. To engage with in present dances.

For your imprint fulfills its destiny when it’s shaped with somebody else’s heart; not only in the sand.
Your best reminder you’re still alive.

Author: Pepi Naki

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