
When things around you are chaotic, when you feel a mess after a break up or after you’ve had a difficult day at work, or even after a bad incident in your life that sucked all the fight out of you and made you keep moving toward darkness…believe me, there’s still that light, that hope in the end of this whole thing.

I think I am one of those people who believes that “Everything happens for a reason.” I used to avoid this idea, thinking that each person made their own fate. I thought that every action has a reaction, and that what goes around comes around –both in the negative and the positive way. You’re the author of your own life, directing the plot, breathing life into the characters of your own story, choosing the actors and creating legend. Unanswered questions in my head…or until recently. Right now, I believe that things happen in the way they’re supposed to happen.

Maybe all those bad experiences that you lived through, made you realize what life is truly about, made you stronger, made you go beyond those dark days. All those things that happened in the past and brought you down on your knees, were actually great opportunities that led you to the right people, that woke you to the  realization of who your true friends are and finding someone out there who completes you in a way no one else was able to in the past.

You meet people who lead you to new opportunities, new adventures and explorations; exploration of your new self maybe, of the new life that is ahead. New people, who are probably that one little part of your life that was missing to make you feel complete. A person’s soul is like a puzzle, pieces of it are hidden in experiences, in other people.

So your life and your soul, are pieces scattered around the world and eventually, all those pieces will be gathered together and make you feel whole; maybe more whole than you ever felt before. You meet new personalities because you’re actually supposed to meet them, because they’re going to bring something valuable to your life.

So maybe everything does happen for a reason. Maybe every breakup, every weakening, every broken heart, failure and misstep happens because it’s leading you to something definitely better. Maybe this is the magic we are looking for in our life. Perhaps, those bad moments are all there because they are leading you to the people and situations that will make you forget that we ever felt any suffering before we met them.

It’s the ups and downs of life that make us who we are. We shouldn’t dwell on why all those things happened to us, we just have to accept that they do make us who we are, they transform us into more mature personalities.

If we become aware of the changes those bad experiences cause within us, we will then be able to feel strong emotions, they could ignite the light in our souls in order for us to be reminded that we are alive; every second, every minute, every single day.

After all that weight of vulnerability and doubting yourself is lifted from your shoulders, you give yourself time and you eventually find someone who deserves you more than anyone in this world.

Remember that when you were breaking down, you also learned how to build yourself back up. After all, you only get what you deserve in life, not more and definitely not less. New passions, feelings, relationships, jobs and life lessons are on the way.

Everything does happen for a reason. 

Author: Susanna Georgiou

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