
So, you sit there complaining that nothing good ever happens in your life. Well, I don’t think it ever will. See, if you want your dreams to come to life you actually have to fight towards it. Just sitting around, complaining about it won’t get you anywhere; except perhaps on your couch, cursing your bad luck and the stars that won’t align to finally give you what you want.

It’s a rather misunderstood and misinterpreted context that of “dreams come true”; they do, but only if you fight for that. I mean even Cinderella had to go to the ball; otherwise, the Prince would have never seen her, right? And really, have you seen a businessman resting, ever? They are constantly on a phone, or in meetings or conferencing while vacationing.

Dreams come at a cost and the question is how willing you are to pay for them. They require organization and stability and stubbornness; you won’t just get out of bed one morning and everything will be in place and ready waiting for you – unless you have a ridiculously rich ancestor you didn’t know about and who suddenly died living you as the sole inheritor of his assets.

If you want to see your dreams come true you should be ready to fall again and again, though.  It’s going to be a tough and rocky road, that’s why only a few manage to realize their deepest desires. If you really, truly, badly want it you will keep fighting no matter what; if not, you will give up once the difficulties start piling up and it all seems too hard for you to handle.

We never stop to think that nothing comes for free in this life; not even the air you breathe – your brain has to send signals for every organ in your body to properly function.  It is a constant try towards what’s good for you. If you give up on it, it will give up on you. If you are no longer willing to fight for it, why should it stay and realize itself for you?

Think of it as a balanced, romantic relationship where one partner gives everything to see their other half happy and smiley, but they get nothing in return. How long would they last before feelings of frustration and irritation begin to emerge? That is exactly how dreams work. As long as you try, they will seem and be possible for you to achieve. Once you give up, they will seem like a faraway, untouchable thing.

Scary as it might be, working towards your goals and dreams gives you an utter fulfillment once you see them coming to life. You will know that you made it, mainly by yourself. Just stop for a minute and picture yourself, however, you dream of being, think of how much you want it. Now, just imagine how it would feel if this became your reality.

Anything we want as hell, we can do. We just need to fight. If you choose the easy way out and decide to keep it as it is a dream, then you will never know what it would have happened and you won’t be entitled to say how much you wanted this.

If, on the other hand, you decide to go over and above and fight for it as you would have fought for your life if needed, then you will be able to say you did your best; and by doing your best you will keep getting better and better because you will be pushing your limits.

The best you of right now is not the same as the best you of 10 years from now. We keep evolving, even if we don’t aim for it. It’s the natural flow of things. So, just think of how much better that “best” you could be if you actually put some effort into it.

Stop calling them dreams; call them goals instead and start working in that direction. Then sit back and enjoy that dreamy reality you will be living in.

Author: Georgia Efstratiou

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